Regional New Zealand is beautiful
/The world is now open, and has been for a little while. Now travel is an option, but accessibility due to high travel costs is a struggle. I know that a lot of Kiwis will look to flocking overseas. I want to take this moment to shed light on local travel too. I can already hear the chants of “but we’ve done domestic travel for the last couple of years through lockdowns”. The reality is that that COVID has been harsh to a lot of people. Some have lost their jobs; some have had to pick up multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Whilst everyone wants to be able to get on a plane, and fly somewhere far away, this is just not a possibility for everyone. Domestic travel should be just as much appreciated and glorified as international travel. Ultimately, at the end of the day, if you love travelling, does it really matter too much where you are headed? Or are you one who would like to boast about the destinations, countries, and everything in between that you’ve ticked off, without actually getting to experience it?
Most of you will know, how I feel about Queenstown. And if you’re new here, long story short, Queenstown is my home away from home. My anti-anxiety medicine if you will. In more recent times, , I’ve had the opportunity to explore more of Aotearoa, than I have before. There’s a certain charm about small town New Zealand. I’m not quite sure what it is. Perhaps, it’s the small population count. Or maybe the friendliness and openness that is sometimes lost amongst those in big cities, where it’s all about churning out money.
I’m sometimes transported to small towns on Netflix shows with that idea. The idea of having our own local Virgin River. More than anything, what I love most about small-town New Zealand, is the silence. That silence is loud. A day in Auckland is filled with, cars honking, people screaming, and if we are to follow the news, then a lot of gun shots. Imagine a place, where the sounds you hear are, dogs barking, cows mooing, the waves of the water or a beautiful pianist lost in his own music unaware of the surroundings around him. Doesn’t this sound like pure bliss to you?
Imagine, not having to always get in your car to get somewhere. But rather be able to walk and take in everything around you. Maybe even get on a cycle and head to where you want. Imagine, not always having to rush through things, to get to your other appointments even if they are sightseeing appointments in a new town that you’re visiting, and just taking the time to enjoy all that’s in front of you. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Until next time,